Hume 'n Resources &
LIFFT nonprofit
Frances A. Hume

Hume 'n Resources
Providing HR & Management professional development, leadership and executive coaching since 1997
a non-profit to "lift" others to a better life
ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: Monday, August 26, 2019
5-Week HR CERTIFICATE COURSE (5 Tuesdays; 40 hours)
ENROLLMENT FORM - Print out, complete & send to Hume 'n Resources
*SEATS ARE AVAILABLE - a Notification will be posted when class is 5 people from being full.
​5-Week Certificate Course Enrollment: Please register the below person(s) for the 5-Week HR Certificate Course held 5 Tuesdays from September 3 - October 1, 2019, from 8:30 - 5:30 each day.
______ $ 925.00* (cash/check price) per participant for base course tuition ONLY (no modules, course workbook or Google Docs) - If you
are attending course for professional development or to learn more about HRM, or if you already have a HRM Textbook or modules
no additional course resources are included.
Order the course workbook binder with Google Docs separately BELOW.
* If attending virtually, you will need to pay shipping for the printed course workbook.
______ $1,170.00* (cash/check price) per participant for tuition, course workbook, course Google Drive study resources& HRCP online/auditory
modules at HRCP.com (must have Internet access for all HRCP online products)
____ $1,245.00* (cash/check price) per participant for tuition, course workbook & google Docs with great study resources, & HRCP printed
modules. *Must pay for shipping of printed modules.
______ $1,345.00* (cash/check price) per participant for tuition course workbook & Google Docs with great study resources & HRCP printed books
and online books. *Must pay for shipping of printed modules.
____ $25.00 - Shipping Fee (cash/check price) - REQUIRED for PRINTED HRCP modules - HRCP ships directly to you.
____ $75.00 - (Cash/Check Price) - per participant Exam Class on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 5:30 - 9:15 pm, SLCC, Sandy Campus.
Must attend in person! Required for college credit student.
____ $75.00 - (Cash/Check Price) - Course Workbook Binder (only need to pay for this separately if you chose $925.00 base course tuition option
____ $25.00 - Shipping Fee (cash/check price) - if attending VIRTUALLY, REQUIRED for PRINTED course workbook binder
REGISTRATION: Please Complete info below to Register for the 5-Week Course:
​Participant's Name:
Physical Shipping Address:
Email Address:
Cell Phone #:
____________ In Class Participant OR ______________Virtual Participant (pre-approved by Hume'n Resources)
_____ Currently Certified: I have my _________________ Certification
_____ please “X” or initial on the line provided, if you give your permission for your contact information to be included on a class participant roster
Check: If paying by check, please enclose your check for $___________ for above participant(s) with this enrollment form and send to address below.
Check should be made payable to: Hume ‘n Resources
Send completed Enrollment Form(s) and Payment Check (if applicable) to:
Hume ‘n Resources
HRM Certification Course
1962 Kidd Circle
Park City, UT 84098
Hume ‘n Resources
Phone: 435-649-6081 Fax: 435-200-9945
Email: hnrcourse@gmail.com