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ENROLLMENT FORM - Print, complete & send/email to Hume 'n Resources - DEADLINE February 2, 2021

Please register the below person(s) for the Human Resource Management Certificate Course to be held on Tuesday evenings: February  9 - April 13, 2021.


10-week Evening Certificate Course Registration:   *Registration fees differ based on the bundled HRCP cert. prep. products you select.  Four (4) Options are listed below. You can pay by check or at my website: using credit, debit or PayPal & 3.65% Web & Service transaction fees are added to check price. Enrollment is discounted for two (2) or more attendees from the same organization if registering at the same time and using the same payment method - Contact Hume ‘n Resources for discounted registration details:  435-649-6081 or - All PRICING IS PER PARTICIPANT.


______ $ 995.00* (check price Option 1 - base course tuition ONLY - NO HRCP modules, NO Course workbook & NO Google docs are included Good

                        option for those attending the course for professional development, to learn more about HRM, or those who already have your certification

                        preparation books. If using Option 1, order the Course Workbook Binder separately BELOW. 

                     *If paying online with credit, debit or PayPal, Option 1 Tuition price at my SHOP link  is $1,032.00 which includes Web service & transaction fees.

______ $1,195.00* (check price) Option 2 - course tuition & HR Certification Preparation (HRCP) 5 online (audio reader) modules, online practice tests at                         (must have Internet access for all online HRCP products), course workbook & Google Docs study resources.

                      *If paying online with credit, debit or PayPal, Option 2 price is $1,238.00 at my SHOP link   which includes Web service & transaction fees.

____ $1,270.00* (check price) Option 3 - course tuition & HR Certification Preparation (HRCP) modules (5 printed books with online practice tests at

             , course workbook & google Docs study resources. Must pay for SHIPPING of printed modules SEPARATELY (see below)

                      *If paying online with credit, debit or PayPal, Option 3 price is $1,316.00 at my SHOP link   which includes service & transaction fees.

______ $1,370.00* (check price) Option 4 course tuition & HR Certification Preparation (HRCP) modules (5 printed books and online books with audio                                 reader) & online practice tests at course workbook & Google Docs with study resources. Must pay for SHIPPING of printed modules

                       SEPARATELY (see below)  

                      *If paying online with credit, debit or PayPal at my SHOP link , Option 4 price is $1,420.00 which includes service & transaction fees.


______ $25.00*  SHIPPING (check price) REQUIRED for shipping PRINTED HRCP BOOKS for Option 3 or Option 4 above  You must pay for

                            shipping to receive your HRCP printed books. *If using credit, debit or PayPal, the shipping price is $28.00 at my SHOP link  which includes

                            service & transaction fees.

_______ $25.00*  VIRTUAL STUDENTS - SHIPPING (check price)  Virtual Students:  REQUIRED for shipping PRINTED course workbook binder- Virtual

                             Students must pay for shipping to receive printed course workbook (Virtual Students).

                             *If using credit, debit or PayPal, the shipping price is $28.00 at my SHOP link   which includes service & transaction fees.

______ $75.00* (Check Price) per participant for the Practice Exam and Study Tips Class on Tuesday, April 20, 2021  SLCC, Sandy Campus. Timed Valid Exam

                      & successful examination tips.  Class will be held at the Sandy SLCC Campus, 9750 S. 300 W., Sandy, UT from 5:30-9:15 pm. The $75.00 registration

                      fee covers the cost of the room and the exam. This class will help you experience a timed exam and to assist you to assess what you don't know &

                      to get answers to topics you do not understand. *If using credit, debit or PayPal, the Practice Exam Class price is $80.00 at my SHOP link  which

                      includes service & transaction fees.

______ $75.00* (Check Price) per participant for Course Workbook Binder (only need to pay for this separately if you chose $995.00 course tuition option)

              *If using credit, debit or PayPal, the Course Workbook Binder price is $80.00 at my SHOP link  which includes service & transaction fees.

$_____________  Total Amount Due       

                            REGISTRATION: Please Complete ALL info below to Register for the 10-Week Course:

Participant Name(s):


Physical Shipping Address for UPS:


Email Address:

Cell Phone #:


1.  ____________ In Class Participant             OR           ______________Virtual (Webex) Participant 

2.  _______ Currently Certified:  I have my  ___________________ Certification.

3. If taking a certification exam, list which one: ______________________________________________________

By enrolling, you give your permission for your contact information to be included on a class participant roster.


Check: If paying by check, please enclose your check for $______________ for above participant(s) with this enrollment form and send to address below. 

Check should be made payable to:  Hume ‘n Resources  


Send completed Enrollment Form(s) and Payment Check to:                Hume ‘n Resources

HRM Certification Course

1962 Kidd Circle

Park City, UT  84098                                                          





























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